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how to write text file using java

welcome java file handling tutorial . in this tutorial we are going to wrie text file using  java here i have used Filewirter to write . use following steps to read text file using java  program 1. create one folder on d drive as f that is name of folder is f 2. create demo.txt file to write on it using program 3. create java program use following code or follow steps from video save java program in same folder import* package properly in java program 4. compile program and run 5. to understand program read what is FileReader read program explanation given below. // Program by Prakash Sonar import*; class jWrite { public static void main(String s[]) { try{ FileWriter w=new FileWriter("demo.txt",true); w.write("welcome to Prakash Programming Tutorial"); w.write("\n "); w.write("Thanks for Watching"); w.close(); } catch(Exception e){} } ...


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